
Registration open for the Segundo Tempo Programme

Judo, Swimming and Athletics
Hanna Henrique Debs
06/06/2023 - 16:41 - atualizado em 06/06/2023 - 16:44


Registration open for the Segundo Tempo Program: Judo, Swimming and Athletics for undergraduate and graduate students!


The Pro-Rectorate of Student Assistance (Proae) and the Pro-Rectorate of Extension and Culture (Proexc) of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) signed an agreement with the Ministry of Citizenship, currently the Ministry of Sports, for the implementation of two nuclei of the Segundo Tempo Program in 2020: Standard and University. This opportunity was publicised by the University Sports and Leisure Division (DIESU) of UFU.


Interested parties can apply using the form: http://www.proae.ufu.br/acontece/2023/05/inscricoes-abertas-para-o-programa-segundo-tempo


Read the original PROAE publication: //www.proae.ufu.br/acontece/2023/05/inscricoes-abertas-para-o-programa-segundo-tempo


The timetable for the events can be found in the annexes to this publication.
